Komputer for Alle 2003 Ekstra 100 Spil
Visual sokoban
Sample Skin File.vsk
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Text File
120 lines
# This is a Sample Visual Sokoban Skin file
# Replace all the <...> to have a valid
# Skin File
# You can type here some extra informations
# about your skin
# All lines beginning with "#" are comments
# You can put comments anywhere
# The picture formats allowed here are:
# BMP, GIF and JPG
# The only sound extension allowed is WAV
# Skin misc informations
@name <Skin Name>
@author ⌐2001 <Author>
@version <Version Number>
@description <Short Description>
# There are two ways to modify the background:
# please choose one and only one.
# Erase the # symbol of the line you want to use
# You can choose to tile a picture in the
# background:
# @tile <Tile Picture>
# Or you can only change the background color,
# in the RGB (red-green-blue) format. The
# default skin uses RGB in 191;191;191
# @bgcolor <000;000;000>
# Pictures used for the different blocks
# They must be all in the same resolution
@wall <Wall, pointless if you use more than 1 wall picture>
@object <Moveable Object>
@object_store <Succesfully Filled-up Storage Location>
@store <Storage Location>
@ground <Ground>
@mover_up <Mover Up>
@mover_down <Mover Down>
@mover_left <Mover Left>
@mover_right <Mover Right>
@mover_store_up <Mover above a Storage Location Up>
@mover_store_down <Mover above a Storage Location Down>
@mover_store_left <Mover above a Storage Location Left>
@mover_store_right <Mover above a Storage Location Right>
# The WALLS section must be filled ONLY if you decide to
# use more than 1 wall picture: to make corners...
# a great example is the "Bj÷rn KΣllmark's sokoban" skin
@walltype <1 or 2> # 2 to use more than 1 picture, else enter 1 or erase the WALLS section
# d means down, u up, l left, r right. So Wall_d-l-r-dl means
# that this wall is surrounded by 4 other walls: one under it,
# one its left, one on its right and one on its down-left corner
@wall_1 <Wall single>
@wall_2 <Wall_d>
@wall_3 <Wall_d-l>
@wall_4 <Wall_d-l-dl>
@wall_5 <Wall_d-l-r>
@wall_6 <Wall_d-l-r-dl>
@wall_7 <Wall_d-l-r-dl-dr>
@wall_8 <Wall_d-l-r-dr>
@wall_9 <Wall_d-r>
@wall_10 <Wall_d-r-dr>
@wall_11 <Wall_l>
@wall_12 <Wall_l-r>
@wall_13 <Wall_r>
@wall_14 <Wall_u>
@wall_15 <Wall_u-d>
@wall_16 <Wall_u-d-l>
@wall_17 <Wall_u-d-l-dl>
@wall_18 <Wall_u-d-l-r>
@wall_19 <Wall_u-d-l-r-dl>
@wall_20 <Wall_u-d-l-r-dl-dr>
@wall_21 <Wall_u-d-l-r-dr>
@wall_22 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ul>
@wall_23 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ul-dl>
@wall_24 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ul-dl-dr>
@wall_25 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ul-dr>
@wall_26 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ul-ur>
@wall_27 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ul-ur-dl>
@wall_28 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ul-ur-dr>
@wall_29 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ur>
@wall_30 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ur-dl>
@wall_31 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ur-dl-dr>
@wall_32 <Wall_u-d-l-r-ur-dr>
@wall_33 <Wall_u-d-l-ul>
@wall_34 <Wall_u-d-l-ul-dl>
@wall_35 <Wall_u-d-r>
@wall_36 <Wall_u-d-r-dr>
@wall_37 <Wall_u-d-r-ur>
@wall_38 <Wall_u-d-r-ur-dr>
@wall_39 <Wall_u-l>
@wall_40 <Wall_u-l-r>
@wall_41 <Wall_u-l-r-ul>
@wall_42 <Wall_u-l-r-ul-ur>
@wall_43 <Wall_u-l-r-ur>
@wall_44 <Wall_u-l-ul>
@wall_45 <Wall_u-r>
@wall_46 <Wall_u-r-ur>
@move <Mouse cursor to move>
@push <Mouse cursor to push an object>
@impossible_move <Mouse cursor: impossible to move here>
@impossible_push <Mouse cursor: impossible to push this object here>
@finish <Level finish sound>
# End of file